How do I fix the Netflix Error UI-800-3 On The Phone Or computer?

If you are currently unable to access the netflix account and keeps getting the error while playing the show. you should change these settings.

When you are unable to access the netflix account on the phone or computer and it keeps showing you the error code UI-800-3. this would be a really frustrating moment. and most of you want to get it fixed as soon as possible. 

But some users may not be familiar with what to do to fix such errors. To do that, here in this article, I am showing the quick guide to fix it. 

How Do I Fix Netflix UI-800-3 On The Phone Or Computer? 

1. First of all, you have to check the network connection on the phone and computer. make sure that your device is connected with  network and they are eligible to access the internet. 

2. Let's sign out the netflix account from the phone or computer, and then sign in the account again using the valid username or password. Now play a video. let's see is it working now or not? 

3. Some users are unable to play the video because of the incorrect username or password error. so you need to delete all types of cookies and cache files from the browser and then retry to access the webmail again. 

4. Let's clear the cookies and cache files from the web browser and then retry to access the webmail account. 

5. Uninstall the current browser from the computer. now reboot the computer. and then install a new device. your device will start working fine. 

After changing these settings, your email will start working fine. in case, If you are dealing with the Netflix account. you need to visit : How to fix netflix error UI-800-3 on the phone or computer for brief details.